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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Parsi Religion

Parsi: Followers of Zoroaster in India

Origin and Descent

Parsi, also spelled Parsee, refers to a group of followers in India who trace their ancestry to Persian Zoroastrians. The name "Parsi" signifies "Persians."

Zoroastrianism: An Ancient Religion

Zoroastrianism is an ancient pre-Islamic religion that originated in Iran. It incorporates both monotheistic and dualistic elements and has significantly influenced other major religions. From the 6th century BC to the 7th century AD, Zoroastrianism served as the state religion of three Persian dynasties.

Religious Beliefs

Zoroastrianism revolves around the teachings of the prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra). Its central tenets include: * Belief in Ahura Mazda as the supreme deity * Dualism between good (Spenta Mainyu) and evil (Angra Mainyu) * Emphasis on personal choice and responsibility * Importance of ethical conduct, such as honesty and compassion

Current Status

Today, Zoroastrianism continues to be practiced by a small community of Parsis in India, primarily in the cities of Mumbai and Surat. They have preserved their religious traditions and cultural identity despite centuries of migration and assimilation.

The Parsi community in India represents a unique blend of ancient Persian heritage and Indian influences. Their enduring beliefs in Zoroastrianism serve as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of religious traditions.
